| ****** A really enjoyable album, there is a lot of diversity in music and topics within this album - I would love to see a lot more from these 2. They are revolutionary to rap music. Standouts are Can't Hold Us, Thrift Shop, Same Love, Make The Money, Jimmy Iovine, Wing$, Castle and Neon Cathedral. Last edited: 04.04.2013 16:37 |
| ****** Brilliant album, I remember listening through the whole album just over a month ago and finding it great!<br><br>The best tracks on the album for me (in order) were:<br>Thrift Shop<br>Gold<br>Same Love<br>Can't Hold Us<br>Ten Thousand Hours<br>Wing$<br><br>That's 40% of the album, but with all these standout catchy tracks, it's difficult not to put them all on the list! |
| ****** This album is honestly amazing. The great thing is that there is talent in all corners here, the lyrics and rapping by Macklemore is brilliant, while the production by Ryan Lewis is varied and unique. Even the guest artists are great, often providing catchy hooks or simply another voice to the track. Macklemore is very honest in his lyrical delivery, adding emotion to the message that he is trying to convey. <br><br>While I liked all the tracks on this album the standouts for me were Same Love, Neon Cathedral, Thin Line, Thrift Shop, White Walls and Wing$. I didn't think very much of Make The Money but the album as a whole is fantastic.<br><br>An easy 6/6 for me. |
| ****** fantastisches album! verdient bestnoten!! ohne rapper wie macklemore wäre hiphop längst tot!<br>...aber wo sind die songs "stay at home dad" & "and we danced"???<br>...und "my oh my" & "otherside"??? Last edited: 11.03.2013 12:41 |
| ****** Mörder Album!<br><br>Das ist hiphop!<br><br>Die sich selbst lobenden reichen gangster sind schon lang out |
| ***** Ten Thousand Hours *** **<br>Can't Hold Us *** ***<br>Thrift Shop *** **<br>Thin Line *** **<br>Same Love *** ***<br>Make The Money *** ***<br>Neon Cathedral *** ***<br>BomBom *** *<br>White Walls *** **<br>Jimmy Iovine *** **<br>Wing$ *** ***<br>A Wake *** ***<br>Gold *** ***<br>Starting Over *** **<br>Cowboy Boots *** **<br><br>Durchschnitt: 5,4 ~ 5<br>Starkes Album mit richtig vielen 6*-Tracks. Last edited: 02.11.2013 18:45 |
| ****** so sollte Hip-Hop sein! fantastisches Album, Macklemore hat die Welt von Gangsters wie Nicki Minaj, Lil Wayne und Drake gerettet :) highlights vom Album sind Thrift Shop, Can't Hold Us, Same Love, Wing$, Ten Thousand Hours, und Neon Cathedral :D |
| ****** <br>It's about time I wrote a review for this album. <br>When I first heard 'Thrift Shop', I honestly thought Macklemore & Ryan Lewis were just a bunch of amateur randoms who were about to become yet another internet sensation. The track was alright at first, but I thought they were just taking the piss at music, and thought of them as irrelevant. Then I listened to them more. Then came 'Wing$' and 'Same Love', and even 'Can't Hold Us'. That was the turning point for me with Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. Listening to Macklemore's rap, he got the perfect hoarse rapping voice which goes well with Ryan Lewis' production which varies in styles.<br><br>Let's face it, Macklemore is one of the finest rappers to be discovered. I think his own style of rapping is unique, and the context in which he raps in is relevant. Compared to other 'white' rapper who go on about their struggles, then 'black rappers' about their struggles too, and also about gangster stuff, and the rappers who just rap about being drunk and partying etc, Macklemore is worth listening to, and is what we need in not only the Hip-Hop industry, but in the Music industry as a whole. This album discovers and looks into different issues which are prevalent to society, such as Race, Consumerism, Materialism, Age, Religion, Sex, Class (wealth), Alcoholism, and also about struggles not only during the younger year, but even now.<br><br>I am happy that Macklemore & Ryan Lewis are having worldwide success. But what people need to realise is that this album is very relevant, and need to listen to the album rather than listening to the same mainstream singles over and over again. The highlight here are the lyrics, and how certain issues are addressed, which is well executed by Macklemore's crisp and cool rapping blended with Ryan Lewis' backing music which is cool and polished. I do hope this is not the end of Macklemore & Ryan Lewis because they are this Hip-Hop kings of this decade. This is one of my favourite albums of 2013.<br><br>Ten Thousand Hours *****<br>Can't Hold Us ******<br>Thrift Shop ******<br>Thin Line *****<br>Same Love **** <br>Make The Money *****<br>Neon Cathedral ****<br>BomBom ******<br>White Walls ****** <br>Jimmy Iovine ***** <br>Wing$ ****** <br>A Wake ***** <br>Gold ******<br>Starting Over *****<br>Cowboy Boots *****<br><br>Average: 5.27* --> 6* |
| ****** To be honest, when I was going around iTunes, I stumbled around this album and decided to buy it for the sake of it. When I purchased the album, I thought that I just wasted my money on some stupid album with not enough uniqueness to give it a good listen. Luckily, The Heist was a great surprised.<br><br>Let me start off with the singles. I loved how catchy 'Thrift Shop' and 'Can't Hold Us' was but was also pleased with the issues they rapped about in 'Same Love' and 'Wing$'. I would love to go on and comment on every song but they all tackle something different which is a good thing (unlike other albums in which almost every song is about love and whatnot).<br><br>There was only really one track that I disliked and that was 'Ten Thousand Hours' which is a shame because it IS the first track listed but once that track finished, every song was just awesome to listen to. I recommend this to anyone that is a fan of hip-hop/rap genre. |
| *** Vote only. Dennoch gilt für 90% der members die tröstliche Gewissheit, die Herren nie treffen zu müssen :-) |
| ****** Jetzt ist auch mal Zeit dass ich ein Review mache^^ :P<br>Tatsächlich ein verdammt starkes Album! Wer Macklemore nicht gern hat versteht auch seine Musik nicht! Dieses Album ist vollgepackt mit "chilligen" und eher ruhigeren songs wie "Gold" und "Same Love" aber dann hat es auch noch die richtigen Rapp tracks wie "Can't Hold Us" und "Make The Money". Mein Liebling der platte "Thrift Shop" kann ich persönlich nicht als reiner Rapp song abstempeln, weil mir die aggresivität fehlt, für mich ein perfekter chill out spassiger track mit rapp^^ :P<br>Alle Songs habe irgendetwas spezielles an sich, aber es ist auch die vielfältigkeit was das Album ausmacht!<br>Tatsächlich ist es ein wenig komisch dass songs wie "And We Danced" und "Otherside" nicht auf "The Heist" vertreten sind...<br>Highlights:<br>1. Thrift Shop<br>2. Can't Hold Us<br>3. Gold<br>4. Same Love<br>5. Make The Money |
| **** Ten Thousand Hours *** *<br>Can't Hold Us *** ***<br>Thrift Shop *** **<br>Thin Line *** *<br>Same Love *** ***<br>Make The Money *** *<br>Neon Cathedral *** *<br>BomBom *** *<br>White Walls *** *<br>Jimmy Iovine *** *<br>Wing$ *** **<br>A Wake *** *<br>Gold *** *<br>Starting Over *** *<br>Cowboy Boots *** *<br><br>4.4 - 4*<br><br>Nach langem überlegen habe auch ich mir "The Heist" endlich zugelegt. Nachdem mir die bekanntesten drei Singles (also "Thrift Shop", "Can't Hold Us" und "Same Love") gefielen, dachte ich, ich könnte mit dem Kauf nicht viel falsch machen...<br><br>Tatsächlich sind die Singles aber nicht ohne Grund als Singles releast worden, den sie stellen auch gleich die Highlights des Albums dar. Neben den bereits genannten drei Singles gefällt mir vor allem auch "Wing$" (was ja ebenfalls eine Single ist/wird). Die restlichen Album-Tracks können zwar allesamt einigermassen überzeugen, aber es gibt kein Track welcher mich wirklich begeistern würde. So gesehen bin ich doch überrascht über die hohe Durchschnittsnote von "The Heist", vor allem auch deshalb weil die Songs einzeln eigentlich nie mehr als 5* als Durchschnittsnote haben...<br><br>Fazit: Für ein Rap-Album aussergewöhnlich gut, den ich mag dieses Genre eigentlich überhaupt nicht doch hier gibt's absolut kein Ausfall. Lyrisch auch sehr stark.<br><br>Highlight: "Can't Hold Us" |
| ****** Ten Thousand Hours: *** ***<br>Can't Hold Us: *** *** <br>Thrift Shop: *** ** --> EDIT: *** ***<br>Thin Line: *** *** --> EDIT: *** **<br>Same Love: *** ** --> EDIT: *** ***<br>Make The Money: *** ***<br>Neon Cathedral: *** ***<br>Bom Bom: *** <br>White Walls: *** * --> EDIT: *** **<br>Jimmy Iovine: *** ***<br>Wing$: *** ***<br>A Wake: *** **<br>Gold: *** *** <br>Starting Over: *** ** --> EDIT: *** ***<br>Cowboy Boots: *** ** --> EDIT: *** *<br><br>--> *5.33<br>--> EDIT: *5.47<br><br>Ein sehr (!) gutes Album, weshalb ich trotz des Schnitts eine *6 vergeben kann! Genial!<br>--> EDIT: Nach dem Konzert in Zürich (was übrigens der Hammer war) musste ich einige Songs hinauf- bzw. nach unten korrigieren. Last edited: 26.09.2013 19:37 |
| ****** !!! |
| **** Deze "The Heist" is van "Macklemore" & "Ryan Lewis", en hoewel dit wel voor een vernieuwende sound zorgt, anno 2013, vind ik dit toch géén hoogvliegeralbum!! Gemiddeld wel nog 4 sterren, wat toch ook dik ok is!!! ☺ |
| ****** Dass ich mir ein Rap-Album kaufe und dann auch noch gut finde, kommt nicht alle Tage vor. Aber in diesem Fall bin ich wirklich des Lobes voll: Eine Platte voller starker Songs, allen voran der Single-Knaller CHU. Das macht wirklich Spass und ich ziehe den Hut.<br><br>Highlights: Ten Thousand Hours / Can't Hold Us / Same Love / Wing$ / Gold |
| ****** Ten Thousand Hours: *** ***<br>Can't Hold Us: *** ***<br>Thrift Shop: *** *** (!)<br>Thin Line: *** *<br>Same Love: *** **<br>Make The Money: *** **<br>Neon Cathedral: *** *** (!!)<br>BomBom: *** ***<br>White Walls: *** **<br>Jimmy Iovine: *** **<br>Wing$: *** *** (!!!)<br>A Wake: *** **<br>Gold: *** **<br>Starting Over: *** *<br>Cowboy Boots: *** *<br><br>Durchschnitt: 5,2<br><br>Wenn man sich die Reviews hier so durchliest, bekommt man den Eindruck, als sei "The Heist" das optimale HipHop-Album für solche, die mit diesem Genre ansonsten nicht sehr viel in Berührung kommen. Ich habe zwar grundsätzlich nichts gegen HipHop, aber Rap-Alben kaufe ich mir relativ selten - doch auch ich bin von "The Heist" sehr positiv überrascht, wenn ich auch nicht ganz so euphorisch bin wie viele der Vorredner.<br><br>Der Hauptgrund, warum ich "The Heist" so gut bewerte, ist die Tatsache, dass das Album nicht nur aus leicht bekömmlichen (aber sehr guten) Über-Hits wie "Thrift Shop" oder "Can't Hold Us" besteht, sondern auch gehaltvollere Songs zu bieten hat, die Themen behandeln, welche ich auf einem Rap-Album nicht erwartet hätte, wie etwa in "Same Love" die steinzeitlichen Ansichten mancher Amerikaner bezüglich Homosexualität (natürlich haben leider nicht nur Amerikaner solche Ansichten), oder aber auch weniger überraschende Themen wie Drogenkontakt im frühen Kindesalter, die aber auf geniale und berührende Weise in Songs verpackt werden ("Wing$"). Das ewige "Ghetto, Ghetto and Motherfocker, ya son of a bitch" macht auf "The Heist" gottlob Pause.<br><br>Darüber hinaus klingt das Album durchaus abwechslungsreich - jeder Song, ob nun stark oder eher durchschnittlich (schwache Songs gibt es meiner Ansicht nicht) - hat etwas Eigenes. Wie gut Macklemores Rap-Fähigkeiten im Vergleich zu anderen erfolgreichen Künstlern dieser Art ist, mögen andere sicher besser beurteilen können, aber mir gefällt sein Sprechgesang und das genügt mir.<br><br>Selbstverständlich wäre der HipHop ohne Macklemore NICHT tot, wie irgendwo über mir skurrilerweise behauptet wird, aber sehr gut ist die Platte, welche insbesondere durch eine nahezu perfekte, ungewöhnliche Produktion überzeugen kann, wirklich.<br><br>edit: Was soll's. Ich bin völlig verblüfft darüber, wie gut mir dieses Album gefällt, sodass es sich seit Wochen hartnäckig in meinen Top 2 der Albumcharts hält. Die Songs sind wirklich besonders, sind allesamt Grower und gefallen mir nun wirklich ausnahmslos gut. Das gibt nun die knappe 6 für "The Heist", was den Album-Schnitt hier auf schwindelerregende Höhen pusht :) Last edited: 30.08.2013 22:43 |
| *** Zu viele Songs warten mit zu nervigen Soundeffekten auf, womit kein Hörgenuss aufkommen kann. Klare drei. |
| ***** Macklemore is one of the greats. He's worked hard to get where he is and it shows. His songs have real meaning to them and he's so passionate about everything he sings about. An artist for the people, out to make a change. This album is great, so many standout songs. |
| **** Wer bei mir für den Hit des Jahres sorgt, der muss genauer inspiziert werden.<br>Außer dem Killerhit fallen sonst aber nur "A wake" und der Opener (besonders) positiv auf.<br>Im Schnitt eine 3.75 |
| **** Da ich kein Hiphop-Rap-Hörer bin, fällt mein urteil nicht so gut aus.<br>Ich muss aber klar sagen, dass er bei mir gegenüber all den MF,Dick,Sucka-Interpreten gewinnt. |
| **** Ok his rapping abilities are sublime and puts today's Eminem to shame but overall I really don't get the hype surrounding this album. To me it reaches no great height and offers to me not one single track.<br>Apart from the singles and a few other solid efforts it wasn't that amazing for me.<br><br>53/90 |
| **** To start off with, this really shouldn't have swept the rap category at the Grammys this year. I know this, Macklemore knows this, pretty much anyone who actually listened to all the nominees knows this. And I don't just say this so that Alex & Victoria can technically claim credit on a rap album Grammy win, but c'mon, GKMC is just on another level compared to this, which in saying that, perhaps has an appropriate title.<br><br>Not that I think Macklemore is a bad rapper. His flow kind of stuck out initially and not in a good way, but with time I got used to that, and he proves his mettle on tracks like "Can't Hold Us" & "White Walls". The problem though is that he's so corny at times with his approach. I get the feeling that he's trying way too hard to be emotional that the messages are shoved down your throat; "Make The Money" I don't enjoy because of this.<br><br>I guess in a way the instrumentals are what makes this stand out, and to it's credit, they're diverse and stop the tracks from blending into each other. But at the same time, very rarely do they truly 'pop' in a way that seals the deal. Yes, "Thrift Shop" is a fun and quirky track, but I could do without things like "Thin Line" (also what a bad hook) and "Gold". "BomBom" is an interesting track which is for some reason credited 3 names on the track, yet Ryan Lewis supposedly wrote it himself. It's good for splitting the album into two sides though. And that second half starts well, "White Walls", "Wing$" & "Jimmy Iovine" are highlights, but by then the album has ticked over the 50 minute mark and I'm ready for it to end, and I get little out of those last 4 tracks.<br><br>So I think the album just slightly ticks over average as there are enough highlights to tide me over for most of the way, and they at least outnumber the duds. Not sure if I can say I'm looking forward to Macklemore's next project, given the increasingly cringeworthy nature of things he's gotten involved with lately, I can't say I have strong expectations it won't flow into the music. 3.6 |
| **** 2-3 ziemlich gute Songs hat's schon mitdrauf hier, aber alles in allem<br>dann doch nicht unbedingt meine (Hip Hop) Welt.....absolut problemlos<br>hörbar, aber am Ende vielleicht dann doch ein bisschen zu sehr<br>gehypt (von wem auch immer!).<br><br>4 + Last edited: 28.10.2014 00:02 |
| *** Mostly a borefest with a handful of half-decent singles and politics that are mostly valued by the crowd of people who like Upworthy articles and share videos by Russel Brand and Prince Ea on their Facebook feeds right next to their favourite Pentatonix hits and quotes from Neil DeGrasse Tyson. |
| ****** 6 Sterne von mir. |
| ***** super |
| ***** Ten Thousand Hours *** **<br>Can't Hold Us *** ***<br>Thrift Shop *** *<br>Thin Line *** *<br>Same Love *** **<br>Make The Money *** **<br>Neon Cathedral *** **<br>BomBom *** *<br>White Walls *** **<br>Jimmy Iovine *** *<br>Wing$ *** ***<br>A Wake *** *<br>Gold *** **<br>Starting Over *** **<br>Cowboy Boots *** **<br>-------------------------------<br>My Oh My *** **<br>Castle ***<br>Victory Lap *** *<br><br>4,66=5 |
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