| **** Extrait du classique d'animation Disney "Frozen". Succès démesuré... Last edited: 29.12.2014 22:20 |
| ***** ▒ Geweldig mooie plaat van de 42 jarige Amerikaanse actrice en zangeres: "Idina Kim Menzel" uit de nieuwste Disney animatiefilm: "Frozen" !!! Dik 5 sterren ☺!!! |
| ****** Altijd het al goed gevonden, maar nu ik het ook in z'n context (lees: de film) gezien heb, is de waardering enkel toegenomen. Last edited: 21.03.2014 20:36 |
| ** eine schauderhafte Stimme, pfui |
| *** Popmusik, die zu einem Walt Disney-Film passt - mittelmässig, abgerundete 3.5
| ****** wunderschöner song. guter Inhalt. gute stimme. oscar-verdächtig. |
| **** Im Refrain leicht übertrieben, ansonsten sicher ein schönes Lied. |
| **** I really don't need to hear it often but it's nice and my preferred version now. Her vocals are strong and the song is generally nice. I haven't watched Frozen so that lack of context is potentially an issue but eh. It did get annoying seeing this have a continuous presence in the top 50 last year but now that it has been out of the chart for a while now it's not really an issue. While it may be overdone its chart run is nothing short of impressive. Also the Tombstone Remix that was played on jinx's ARIA chart broadcast is so good :P Last edited: 04.11.2015 12:47 |
| ***** This is quite good. I prefer this version. Last edited: 18.01.2014 13:45 |
| **** A little bit better than Demi's version. |
| *** @MichaelSK: Menzel singt sonst bei Musicals mit. Also kann ihre Stimme nicht so schlecht sein. :p<br><br>Wirklich ziemlich mittelmässig, der Refrain weiss zu nerven. |
| *** Not for me. When she really lets rip on the vocals, it can be hard on the ears. Also it's just generally bizarre. 2.5 |
| **** Quite good, I definitely prefer this over Demi's version. |
| ****** Brilliant effort, there are quirks about her voice that I've always found difficult to enjoy but I definitely like this one!<br><br>I just love it now. It so deserved the Best Original Song Oscar, and I'm happy it won, especially over Pharrell's stinking 'Crappy' piece of junk. Last edited: 05.03.2014 20:33 |
| ***** A fantastic Disney song, one of the major highlights of an incredible musical. The vocals are fantastic and I imagine this will become the go to audition songs for many aspiring reality wannabes. My only criticism of the song is the arrangement of the musicl. It is not 'musical' enough. I feel there needed to be more sweeping strings as opposed to the piano and percussion. It feels that it was written with the thought of it being played on the radio. Because of this, it does have the tendency to not flow as well with the other songs. I also would have liked the vocals to have gradually increase in power, as soon as Idina hits the first chorus it can get a bit yelly and lose the impact. |
| *** It sounds like one of those bland Eurovision ballads. Meh 2.5 |
| *** I prefer the production of this one over Demi Lovato's, giving it a slight edge.<br><br>3.25*. |
| ** Dépassé par le succès américain... |
| **** In 15 Minuten eh vergessen, deshalb ne 4-, auch wegen des anständigen Refrains. |
| *** passabel<br> |
| **** A nice soundtrack hit and a pleasant listen. After several plays I can say her vocals work well in this song but may be lacking if used in other song genres. The song is definitely quite catchy and that is a strength. |
| ** Da bevorzuge ich Demi Lovato's Version bei Weitem. Ich weiss, dass Idina keine Unbekannte ist, aber mir gefällt das stimmlich überhaupt nicht und ihre Live-Performance an den Oscars war zu davonlaufen. 2* |
| **** schöne schnulze! passt zum film :-) |
| **** Nett, besonders der Anfang, dann aber überwiegt doch die äußerst gewöhnungsbedürftige Stimme, die aber Potential hat. Musical-Song der durchschnittlichen Sorte. |
| **** Al die overdreven positieve reacties hierop snap ik niet. Ik bedoel, dit is verder een goed nummer, maar het is niets voor de hitlijsten en bovendien is het me veel te musical-achtig. Net als de versie van Demi Lovato geef ik een goede voldoende, al hadden ze dit net zo goed even als een dubbele notering kunnen beschouwen. |
| **** ...süsse Filmmusik...+3.5 |
| *** Ok |
| **** Good Disney track. |
| ***** I think the fact that Frozen got such critical acclaim was why this had continued to sell lots of copies for about six months.<br><br>The vocals are decent but the animation sequence is magic. |
| **** Mooi nummer, afkomstig uit de soundtrack van de Disney-film "Frozen" (2013). Jammer dat het nummer bleef steken in de Vlaamse Ultratipparade.<br>4+ |
| ****** Een mooi nummer, maar daar is alles ook mee gezegd.<br><br>Edit 28/02/2015:<br>Nee, een prachtig sfeervol nummer die geschikt is voor de winter! Last edited: 28.02.2015 20:03 |
| **** Sounds very 60ish, Streisandish. Not bad. Actually quite nice! |
| **** Mooie ballad, maar niet meer en niet minder. |
| ***** Haha,5 Stars. |
| * Too Disney for me. 2.5 - 3.<br>You know what, fuck this thing. 2 now.<br>You know what, this is complete shit. 1 now. Last edited: 18.12.2015 10:21 |
| *** This has gotten me to think about how truly better off we are in a digital age of music distribution. I mean, you wanted a track 20 years ago? You'd have to drive to the store and hope they had that stocked. And if it wasn't a single, you might have to shell out for the album. The fact that the music charts seemed to flow in the same manner with very little deviation, showed just how much it was a record company game. The consumer would be completely secondary to what they'd want.<br><br>But now in 2014, the tables have turned. The advent of digital media & iTunes, means that for once the consumer is somewhat in control. No longer bound by the limited options of potential packaging, people can (for the most part) buy what they want, when they want. The result of this is that you can witness true underdogs slowly take charge when they might otherwise have never had the chance.<br><br>Now, where "Let It Go" ties into this? Well, recent years have shown to be something of a 2nd resurgence for Disney, with "Frozen" being an obvious centrepiece of this, what with its widespread acclaim & utterly absurd Box Office figures. And of course this follows the Disney Renaissance from the '90s where many of the studio's most cherished films were released. And they were so big that the soundtracks would even impact the charts in a big way, and plenty of the songs would enter the public consciousness. I think for someone 15 years younger than me, "Let It Go" will mean for them what "Hakuna Matata" means to me.<br><br>But, I feel as though this version of "Let It Go" would not be the pop culture juggernaut it is if it wasn't for the fact that we are in a digital age. Because in 1992, "Aladdin" was released and was pretty big, as was the soundtrack. And if you ask anyone to name a song from that film, it would probably be "A Whole New World", which is understandable because it eventually became a really big entity separate of the film, even topping the Billboard charts which is so fascinatingly bizarre. But the thing about it is that the chart topping version of it isn't the one used during the film, but the version that played over the credits. That version, is cheesy adult contemporary made to fit on 1992 US radio and is so utterly uninspired compared to the sparkling & compelling version from the film. And of course, that AC version is the one that topped the charts purely because it was the only one that was released as a single, I perhaps wonder if there were plenty of people who bought it not even aware of the differing versions.<br><br>However, "Frozen" comes in the new age, where people can buy whatever they want from the soundtrack, even if it has a minute long instrumental interlude that sounds utterly bizarre next to anything else on the chart. And just like with "Aladdin", "Frozen" has the same deal of the big hit song showing up during the movie as performed by the (in this case more talented) actress playing the character, and then during the credits as a version more tailor made for contemporary pop. And because of these circumstances, it was this version of "Let It Go" that won more hearts and not Demi Lovato's inferior version, which I consider a win for the public.<br><br>But if I'm being honest, I don't have the same affection for this track. Both in and out of context it doesn't really work for me. Before I saw the film, I was under the impression that it was the big climax of the film, and that being exposed to it as I had been, was like a massive spoiler. Now that I know it isn't, it does make it seem a bit weird how much sticking power this has, because the common trick to being remembered is being either the first or last moment. "Let It Go" is almost a non-sequiter in the context of "Frozen". Yes you could tell me that it represents Elsa coming to terms with her new world, which is all well and good, but the next time you see her, she seems utterly miserable, shutting out Anna the same way she did when they were younger. Heck, she may as well be crying on the roof of her castle singing "Who needs Arendelle? I dooooooooooo!" Basically she lied to me through song and I hate when people do that. :P<br><br>Now for the song itself, I can't get much out of it either. The structure and melody are too plain. As CinemaSins showed, you can basically sing "Firework" over it. The percussion gives it a sense of urgency, but it doesn't amount to much. And unfortunately I have to join the big group of people who can't really stomach some of those peaking notes from Idina.<br><br>I just think there are better songs from "Frozen" than this, but then as far as musicals go, I prefer songs that advance the plot, or explore a tedious expedition in a thrilling way. When you get something like "Let It Go", it's a momentum killer as you have to wait 4 minutes for anything else to happen, and this is even more noticeable when you listen to it on its merits as a song. 3.2 |
| **** Popmusik die nicht zu meinen Favorirten gehört. Überraschenderweise ist mir das dann doch noch eine *4- Wert. |
| *** 3 Stars! |
| **** Aus der Disney-Movie Frozen... Gut genug.. |
| ** Disney hat bei weitem bessere Tracks... |
| ****** I like this song, the voice, I don't know, Idina Menzel loves to scream but the lyric it's great (I like the part ¨the perfect girl is gone¨ is full of empowerment). |
| ** It is what it is and I was never going to enjoy it much anyway.<br><br>P=79 Last edited: 07.01.2018 07:54 |
| ***** Ja ich weiss, das Stimmchen ist leidet ein wenig unangenehm, aber ansonsten finde ich, dass es doch recht gut gemacht worden ist. Vielleicht hätte Demi einfach diese Version auch noch singen sollen. Dann gäbe es vielleicht sogar eine 6. |
| *** Durchschnittliche Filmmusik |
| * Schauderhaft! |
| ***** Schöner Song einer der Lieblingsfiguren meiner Töchter! |
| **** Ein typischer Musicalsong, ganz schön. |
| **** Hab es in Orlando live miterlebt, unglaublich die Stimmung dabei. |
| **** Okay - den Film habe ich noch nie ganz gesehen: somit ist natürlich auch der Song damals spurlos an mir vorübergegangen. Zumal das in Deutschland ja keine Chartnotierung hatte. UK#11; USA#5. |
| ****** Als Riesen-Fan des Films und all seiner Figuren ist hier die 6 Pflicht - Es ist eben DER Song der ganzen Reihe, egal ob Idina oder Demi, ich liebe den Song immer und freue mich schon mit Olaf auf den Sommer |
| **** ganz ok... |
| ***** Onvergetelijk plaatje |
| **** Oh, eine singende Computeranimation. Disney 2013? Musical? Hier bin ich falsch. Hinterlasse das gut, sag noch schöner Vergleich von HeNK! und nehm die Beine in die Hand .. und tschüss. |
| **** Mehr oder weniger gefühlvoller Disneysong. |
| ***** ein schöner Song |
| *** 3+ |
| * Der Refrain klingt teilweise wie eiskalt geklaut von Alix - Maximisin', welches im Jahr 2011 auf Super Eurobeat Vol. 215 das erste Mal erschienen ist. Let it go! Bemitleidenswert. |
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