| ***** bisher hat mich noch keine song aus dem kommenden album wirklich überzeugt. aber dieser ist wirklich sehr schön! |
| **** Hallo Klampfen-Ed! Wieder einmal wird die Gitarre bemüht - mit Beat allerdings diesmal - und Ed schüttet sein Herz aus ... |
| **** Das ebenfalls brandneue "Bloodstream" gefällt mir deutlich besser und ist viel atmosphärischer. Schlecht ist aber "Thinking Out Loud" natürlich auch nicht, höchstens etwas spannungsarm. |
| **** ▒ Schone track van het album: "x", door de 23 jarige Engelse zanger en songschrijver uit Londen: "Edward Christopher 'Ed' Sheeran", begin juni 2014 !!! Exact: 4 sterren ☺!!! |
| **** Best wel een fijn liedje. Last edited: 15.05.2019 13:44 |
| ****** Einer der grossen Highlights von "x". Hörte ich seit Freitag schon einige Male, wunderschön. 6* |
| **** Irgendwie schön, aber irgendwie auch total langweilig!<br>Das ganze ist mir persönlich auch zu langatmig!<br>Kein Highlight wie ich finde...eher eine solide Ballade, die schnell vergessen ist! 4* |
| **** Good. Not what I was expecting! |
| *** "And darling I will be loving you till we're 70"<br><br>Das kann ich schwer glauben, abgerundete 3.5 für dieses Popstück
<br> |
| ****** WAUW!!! Op dit nummer werd ik spontaan verliefd toen ik het voor de eerste keer hoorde, wat een prachtige ballad! Het doet me een beetje denken aan een nummer van Adele's meest recente album, 'One And Only'. Dat vond ik ook de beste ballad van het album. 'Thinking Out Loud' is Ed Sheeran's 'One And Only', een soulvol nummer met minimalistische maar prachtige muzikale begeleiding. Verreweg het beste nummer van zijn nieuwe album! Last edited: 03.07.2014 22:08 |
| **** Aardig nummer. Hier is niet veel mis mee, al vind ik Afire Love beter (ook de hoogtepunt van het album). |
| **** Easy listening track and really memorable and great. 147,978 sold while #1. His second UK#1. UK#1 and Ireland#1. US#2. 2.4 million copies sold in the UK.<br><br>His second UK million selling single. Last edited: 12.05.2017 17:01 |
| ***** Der erste Sheeran-Song, den man bedingungs- und bedenkenlos weiterempfehlen kann. Wirklich ganz toll gesungen und gelungen. Last edited: 28.10.2014 07:16 |
| **** Ganz ok, nicht so aufregend.<br><br>07.06.2015: Kann mich immer noch nicht zu mehr durchringen. "Männliche Heulboje".<br><br>25.11.24: Im Podcast "Popfilter - Der Song des Tages" wurde über diesen Song gesprochen. Und die Ähnlichkeit zu Marvin Gayes "Let's Get It On".<br><br>Der britische Popstar Ed Sheeran stand in New York vor Gericht. Der Vorwurf: Er soll bei einem Song von Marvin Gaye Ed Townsend geklaut haben. Jetzt hat ihn die Jury freigesprochen. Im Popfilter nehmen wir Akkord-Folgen unter die Lupe und fragen: Wo hört Inspiration auf und fängt das Plagiat an?<br> https://open.spotify.com/episode/0N65vyCDFBpaPIcilrKAqz?<br> Last edited: 25.11.2024 19:30 |
| **** Noch einer der besseren, aus seinem langweiligen Repertoire. |
| ***** ...ein verliebter Ed mit einer schönen Ballade - begleitet wird sein Gesäusel, im Licht von tausend Sternen, von lieblichem Pianogeplänkel und Gitarrengezupfe...4-5<br><br>...oh, das ist einfach eine wunderschöne Ballade, egal ob diese Liebe bis 70 dauert oder nur eine kurze Zeit, ich muss rauf auf die 5...<br>(das Video sehe ich zum ersten Mal und ich bin erstaunt, dass dieser junge Mann so ein klasse 'Ballett' hinlegt (beeinflusst aber nicht meine Punktevergabe) Last edited: 22.11.2014 18:30 |
| **** Mwah. De vocalen klinken leuk, maar dit komt niet op het niveau van 'Th A Team', 'Lego House' en zelfs 'Give Me Love'. |
| ***** Le clip m'a fait changer d'avis sur la chanson. Très classe et élégant. Last edited: 21.12.2015 18:18 |
| ****** Fantastic effort and refreshing after his last two. Like the lyrics in particular. |
| ***** Now this is the Ed Sheeran that I want to hear! |
| ***** ja schlichtweg schön |
| ***** "Now this is the Ed Sheeran that I want to hear!" |
| *** Not bad. His best since Give Me Love. |
| ***** Welcome back Ed! Great to see another solid ballad off him. A highlight off "X" but the following "Afire Love" would prove to be even better than this. Last edited: 18.01.2015 10:38 |
| ****** I love it! Last edited: 03.12.2014 12:30 |
| **** The pick of his new songs that I've heard. I liken it to 'Small Bump' in sound and quality. 3.75 |
| ** I can understand why people like this type of Ed Sheeran. It definitely matches the sound he had on his "+" album, and I'll admit, I liked the sound of the album as well.<br><br>But if I'm going to say the truth, I prefer "Sing" and Don't" more. For a ballad, I don't think this is really anywhere near his best of this type of song, with "The A Team" and "Drunk" being miles ahead.<br><br>Still, I enjoy this for the most part and that's still good.<br><br>It has a chance at making #1 if he performs it at the AFL Grand Final this weekend.<br><br>3.5*.<br><br>EDIT: It didn't take long for me to, I'm not going to say dislike, but not like this song.<br><br>It is all a bit too dull and boring for me, and doesn't have repeated listen value for me like his slower songs from "+". I was sick of it after hearing it around 5 times.<br><br>Hope it doesn't linger around the charts for too long.<br><br>3.5* -> 2.5*.<br><br>EDIT 2: This is just painfully boring and uninteresting now.<br><br>On "+", these types of songs connected with me because of the interesting lyricism, but this seems like a half-arsed, "I love you now, and I'll love you just as much in the future" effort that I've heard so many times before.<br><br>If this were by any other artist, I don't think I would have been so lenient with it, so I think this deserves the same treatment all the others are getting.<br><br>Hopefully his next song of this type is a LOT better, because if there's any more of this type of music, I might be off Ed Sheeran altogether.<br><br>2.5* -> 2*. Last edited: 27.05.2015 12:55 |
| **** Dit lijkt dan de nieuwe single te gaan worden. Van mij mag het. Prachtig plaatje! |
| ****** De veelzijdige Sheeran bewijst maar weer eens dat hij een van de beste singer/songwriters is van dit moment. Hij kan werkelijk alles. Ook dit is weer een pareltje. Zo goed dat het bijna geen hit kan worden.<br><br>Edit: +1. Een van de betere liefdesliedjes ever. Kippenvel all over the place. Last edited: 01.11.2014 19:58 |
| **** ...solide vier... |
| ****** RICHTIG > :D Last edited: 27.12.2014 16:17 |
| ***** Ich weiss nicht, irgendwie hat das Ganze was .. Warum das Video so abging auf Youtube würde mich noch interessieren! Ist die Tänzerin im Video etwas seine Freundin oder warum lief das gleich so an?<br><br>Ich find Eds Stimme hier irgendwie wirklich speziell, er singt mal mit Gefühl oder etwas, was er bisher nicht machte. Gefällt mir, könnte sich bei mir je nach Stimmungslage sogar noch steigern. :) Wir werden sehen, vorerst solide 5* |
| **** Better than I was expected, sounds like a cover song somehow<br><br>Wait now I know it's 'Let's Get It On' in the chord progression. Last edited: 19.11.2014 07:04 |
| *** In Großbritannien befindet sich der erst kürzlich veröffentlichte Song schon seit der Album-Veröffentlichung in den Charts. In Neuseeland und bald auch in Australien ist die Single bereits ein Nummer-eins-Hit. Klingt etwas nach "Let's Get It On" (Marvin Gaye). 3* |
| ***** Mooi |
| ***** Ich finde einfach, der Song ist wahnsinnig gut aufgebaut und sehr stilvoll vorgetragen. Das geht für mich qualitativ weit über das gewohnte Singer-Songwriter-Geheule hinaus und erinnert mich an einigen Stellen stilistisch (nicht stimmlich) etwas an "Stay With Me" oder "I'm Not The Only One" von Sam Smith. Ich finde, man merkt immer deutlicher, dass der Mann das Potenzial hat, über viele Jahre hinweg mit guter Musik erfolgreich zu sein.<br><br>Knappe 5. |
| *** Wieder so was lahmarschiges |
| *** Gääähn! |
| ***** Ein sehr schöner, ruhiger, gemütlicher, gefühlvoller Song !!! |
| *** OK but YAWN! Nothing special. |
| **** nice |
| *** Not here for this. It's too saccharine, but also harmless. |
| *** Leider immer die gleiche saft- und kraftlose Masche - mir fehlt hier einfach der «Biss». |
| **** Eén van de betere plaatjes van de Britse singer-songwriter: "Ed Sheeran", op single gereleased in het najaar van 2014!!! Persoonlijk vind ik het zelfs beter dan de grote hit: "I See Fire", die hij afgelopen winter scoorde!!! Dit mag wel scoren van mij, ik ga voor 4 sterren!!! ☺ |
| ***** Klinkt lekker, op dit moment 1 van de betere nummers |
| **** Ok |
| *** Eine schemenhaft wirkende Ballade, die ich kaum mal höre, weil ich sie nicht so richtig packend empfinde. <br><br>Stimmlich gebe ich dazu aber noch einen Extra-Stern, denn Ed singt das sehr gelungen. Also 3* von mir. Last edited: 14.04.2017 15:53 |
| **** Quite nice and likely to be a grower.<br>But I still prefer 'Lego House', 'Give Me Love' and 'Small Bump'. A worthy #1 though. |
| * Ik vin hier niks leuks aan |
| ** Nothing Special Last edited: 14.02.2015 02:04 |
| ***** doch irgendwie sympathisch Last edited: 12.08.2015 19:57 |
| ****** His best song ever! Amazing! |
| ****** Absolument transporté. |
| ** schwach |
| ***** Schemenhaft ja, klingt so als wäre diese Ballade schon immer da gewesen - funktioniert aber bei mir. Wunderschön! |
| ***** Erg goed nummer. Soulful gebracht.<br><br>Zou zes sterren verdienen, ware het niet dat het wel èrg veel weg heeft van Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On.<br><br>Vreemd dat niemand dat nog heeft opgemerkt. |
| ** Gefällt mir nicht diese Ballade. |
| *** Damit packt mich der Musik-Hobbit irgendwie nicht so... |
| ****** wunderbar.. |
| ****** Hit meer kan ik niet zeggen ! |
| ** Well, what happens after 70???!!! |
| *** Nett, aber auch nicht mehr. Überdies geht der Gesang in Richtung James Blunt, was mir noch nie gefiel. Nicht die Sorte Ballade, die ich mag. |
| *** nichts besonderes |
| ** "I See Fire" war eindeutig die bessere Ballade. Das hier ist mir zu langweilig. |
| * I prefer the song "One".<br>In Thinking out loud his voice sounds annoying. |
| ***** Mit sehr viel Hingabe gesungen. |
| ***** Eén van de (weinige) uitzonderingen die nog MUZIEK maakt. Hoop dat de DVD "The Night That Changed America" (Beatles) hier in Nederland ook uit komt. Ed zong alleen met gitaar "In My Life"(zie ook You Tube). Fantastisch! (net als de vele andere artiesten die de Beatles eerden, zoals John Legend, Pharell en Kate Perry (niet zo gecharmeerd van maar "Yesterday" deed ze perfect). En old hero Peter Frampton deed op bijna alle nummers mee. Maroon 5 was ook goed en uiteraard Paul en Ringo. Maar Ed maakte veel indruk. Op single??? |
| ****** Die Ballade liebe ich. Das ist wirklich Toll, wie kann man da nur eine 1 geben?? Last edited: 19.01.2015 23:10 |
| **** Finde ja Ed Sheeran eigentlich eher langweilig und überschätzt, aber der Song ist wirklich gut gelungen und zu recht ein Hit. Schöne Melodie, sehr soulig, für mich sein zweitbester Song, knapp keine 5. |
| ***** Wunderschön soulige Ballade, bei der einem doch das Herz weit aufgeht. Wunderschön gesungen zudem. Wirksam gesteigert. Ganz, ganz dicht dran am ganz großen Kino.<br>Aber dafür ist er einfach zu sympathisch und menschlich.<br>Brittany Cherry, die Tänzerin aus dem Video, verdient allerdings eine besondere Erwähnung. Was sie da tänzerisch aus dem Hut zaubert ist definitiv Weltklasse. Last edited: 29.10.2015 20:01 |
| **** Nicht schlecht, mochte aber "Don't" bei weitem mehr :) |
| **** Endlich mal E-Gitarre, sehr bluesig gespielt... |
| **** Ed Sheerans Album "X" ist schon jetzt eines der Besten in meiner Sammlung. Ein Hit nach dem Anderen. Auch "Thinking Out Loud" gehört zu meinen Lieblingssongs von ihm, auch wenn die Situation passen muss, in der man es anhört. Weiter so, Ed! 4 solide Sterne |
| **** geht so |
| ****** Wunderschön |
| ** also viel langweiliger gehts dann wohl nicht mehr! |
| ** Gibt mir nichts |
| ** Noch so ne Schnarchnummer |
| ***** sehr schöne, gefühlvolle ballade |
| ** *schnarch* |
| **** Gut! |
| **** in ordnung... |
| **** Für die ruhigen Momente sicher gelungen. |
| ****** Me encanta. |
| * "Gäähn" triffts glaub ich ganz gut. Das hier ist doch wirklich nur noch billiger Pop-Dünschiss, vor allem textlich. Als ich es das erste mal gehört habe klang es für mich wie ein weihnachtslied von den Backstreet Boys (nur einstimmig). Ich glaub da brauchte einer bloß mal eben noch ne single. |
| *** ...weniger... |
| ** Boring and vapid. |
| **** jolie chanson ! |
| **** Das ist wirklich gelungen, habe schon langweiligeres von ihm gehört. |
| *** Ach ja, der alte Langweiler... Könnte eigentlich mehr, der Gute. |
| * Wat een prachtige lied van Ed! Alleen geen 6 sterren waard... naja geen eens 2 :-) |
| **** warum alles hat 5-6 bewertet? nicht jeder song ist gut. Last edited: 18.02.2016 14:14 |
| *** Naja, aber besser als das Schlaflied "I See Fire" |
| ***** knapp aufgerundete 5<br><br>CDN: #2, 2014<br>USA: #2, 2014 |
| ***** Besonders die Stimme gefällt mir sehr gut. Sehr ordentlicher Song. Nichts Außergewöhnliches. |
| **** Quite memorable but overplay made this lose it's touch. |
| **** Gut gesungen, ordentlich und angenehm, obwohl wieder nicht viel passiert. |
| **** Ruhiger Love-Popsong! 4+ |
| *** Okay. |
| * Gähn |
| ****** Danke, Ed, wegen dir gibts nebst dem alltäglichen House und Partygedöhns doch noch Musik bei der Songwriting eine Rolle spielt. |
| ****** Eén van de (weinige) uitzonderingen die nog MUZIEK maakt. |
| ****** I simply don't tire of this song and to be honest it's not generally something I would be magnetically drawn to.<br>It will be ageless and remember as a classic in the years to come.<br><br>Topped my personal chart for four weeks.<br><br>Came in at #43 on my TOP 200 OF 2014.<br><br>Came in at #92 on my TOP 100 OF 2015.<br><br>P = 749 Last edited: 04.05.2023 06:45 |
| ***** Fine ich unglaublich schön |
| ** Zum Einschlafen ganz gut. |
| ****** Liebe es bis heute noch |
| ***** Great song. But since "Perfect" came along and made me good impression it was way better. I still listen to this though. |
| ****** zou gejat zijn, Marvin Gayes, sorry ik hoor het echt niet. dit vind ik nog steeds een van zijn betere nummers |
| ***** 5 von 6 |
| *** Nicht schlecht denkt man sich... bis es einem auf die Nerven geht. |
| *** OK wedding song. |
| ** ziemlich schrecklich in meinen ohren dieses gesülze. |
| *** Mittelmaß. Ed Sheeran halt. |
| *** Redelijk plaatje<br>Meer kan ik er niet van maken |
| ****** ja, mooi |
| **** I'm breaking a promise I made to myself nearly 7 years ago. That specific promise is that I mentally decided that I would never review this song while it was still in the charts. My reason being that as this song was presently racking up all manner of chart achievements and (especially in the UK) becoming one of the most successful songs of all time, I couldn't rationalise any of my opinions because they all had a reactionary bias of influence set upon by all this chart success that I couldn't really understand. The years went on and I found the gambit to be somewhat amusing as it just happened to go onto the song that would for a time become the flat out longest charting song in history.<br><br>This is important for me because personally self-accountability can go a long way. A decade ago I was completely taken in by the 'Angry Critic' trope. The notion that bad media is not simply just awful, but an absolute affront, taunting you by merely existing. Anyone who ever liked it at any point is a moron and the fact that it gets undue attention over *reportedly good media which I will not put stakes in by mentioning, perpetuating the 'problem'* proves that we've failed as a society. I'm sure a lot of people reading this have been told something is bad, agreed that it's bad, gotten mad about it and had to tell more people that it's bad, even though most of the time you never have to encounter it unless you seek it out yourself.<br><br>Maybe the most famous example of this is Rebecca Black's "Friday". An obviously cheaply made recording and video, done as a cute pop star fantasy fulfilment with no greater ambitions. It was discovered to be particularly badly made and soon went so viral that it was I believe the 2nd longest reigning trending topic on Twitter ever at the time. But it wasn't just people laughing at the song's cheap production value, but using it as a means to get furiously angry at the state of popular music. Indeed, such was the song's enormous attention that it started being seen as a genuine artistic statement, not just for Rebecca Black but for the private production company that made it. It was getting scrutiny as if it were a major label product, and Rebecca Black was being pushed as the next Justin Bieber or whatever.<br><br>The worst thing about this though is that it never just stops at people yelling in the song's comment section or casual conversation about how "Friday" is an abomination. People got so invested in this hatred that they suddenly lacked the inhibitions to tell them that sending death threats to a 13 year old girl is a very not normal thing to do. I can't fathom what it's like to be Rebecca Black trying to live life at a time like this. So you end up with a situation where everyone involved is in some form of misery and it's all the fault of people who can't help but signal boost the very product that they seem to want to do anything in their power to boycott.<br><br>Anyway, a decent while before this, I think I built up a reputation for myself as being a bit of a miser. I'd follow the charts intently but express utter dismay at most of what was common chart fodder, with the exceptions being very selective and honestly pretentious, as I fashioned myself a superior music listener because I listened to obscure bands like Arcade Fire and Beach House. It was the kind of situation where I was so set in what I was convinced was good & bad music, that anyone who dared defy these would be outwardly rejected.<br><br>My main rationale wasn't usually a matter of being mad at a disagreement, but rather being mad that someone would go so out of their way to strike on such a peg. There's a deep irony in this in that I found it perfectly reasonable for myself to go out of my way to make hateful tirades, but it baffled me that others did it. I took it extremely personally and by all accounts, I probably should have. My extremely uncharitable views to anything outside of my wheelhouse probably made me pretty unlikeable to anyone who felt the other way. This is my way of saying that if you see any of my decade old reviews I've written on this site, please take them with an extreme pinch of salt because they largely don't remotely represent me as the person I am now, and for that matter, I scarcely hold so much of that same anger and malice I once did. Which is to say that I hate reading that negative two star review I wrote for that song you love just as much as you do, and unfortunately these lazily written pieces make up 99% of the reviews I've written on this site so you're more likely to stumble upon them than anything else.<br><br>The whole situation was very of its time with the late 2000s/early 2010s online ecosystem. A time when a lot of extremely popular content was dark, edgy, just generally jaded for the sake of this. A big proponent of this as well was the trope of the angry online critic. An entire generation responded not to insight but to people who got comically upset at movies, video games, what have you, in this same way I described before. It was the sort of situation where the targets of ire were often so obviously bad that any fans of the medium could take solace that their favourites were never targetted, and get enjoyment out of obvious disasters getting put in their place.<br><br>Music is of course no exception. It's only a little bit different because often these obvious targets are actually very popular, but music fandom was so compartmentalised between fans of strict genre boundaries that largely all hated each other, so throwing a brick over the fence was harmless business for those of us safely never standing on the other side. The 2000s weren't the birth of rockism, but it's the point where it reached critical mass, spilling over to reactionary poptimism which is not without its own problems but that's another review. This stuff all still happens now but it feels so dated and insubstantial for the most parts. Nowadays the notion of listening to just one genre is a bit less common and anyone still drawing those battle lines feels irrelevant, like they don't have near enough sway on their own to make a movement. Gone are the days where an Australian newspaper critic (whose name escapes me) goes viral as a hero for writing scathing reviews of Katy Perry & Skrillex albums for the crimes of being Katy Perry & Skrillex albums. Perhaps popular music is so much less centralised (also, another review for another time) that it's hard to really harbour much disdain for the top of the mountain, but also maybe no one really wants to see this sort of content anymore. I've seen so many online content creators pivot to more thoughtful, inspired content with great success that largely just wasn't a thing 10 years ago that I can't help but think that much of the public has just gotten over this phase.<br><br>For me personally, I've gone through multiple depression cycles over the last 10 years ago, and while I can't say I've gotten through that, it's made me re-assess my own voice as a terminally online person. For one, I realised that I put far too much of a stake into these online music personality wars. Where I may have spent an inordinate amount of time lazily writing reviews for the sake of pivoting aggregate scores ever so slightly towards my desired outcome, I also found that my current mindset could be uncontrollably damaged in any instance where say, a song I didn't like was dominating the charts. With songs like this, it was made worse because the catharsis of the song leaving the charts, once an inevitability, started to be tested in its own right. Nowadays you can't help but wonder if certain songs and albums are genuinely never going to leave the charts, as their inevitable equilibrium still rests them high enough to be tracked.<br><br>That all being said, the strange thing about this negativity is that it feels like it's an encouraged inevitability. Media competes with media to be the most dominant (especially with things like music charts), and if you're a particularly zealous fan, you'll want your media to be on the top, where anything that jeopardises that is immediately the enemy. What you end up with this is an unstoppable spiral where you will probably think to yourself that the charts would be perfect if a, b & c were gone and replaced with x, y & z. In reality, the moment that switch happens, you'll find yourself dissatisfied with d, e & f. Think to yourself how often you've wanted to call something out as overrated for being merely 'good', all that really says is that the standard is high enough that 'good' just isn't enough, but in a state of dire straits, that same 'good' might be the best thing you can hold onto. You could be in full control of what does & doesn't become popular and even then you'd look back on what you decided upon, realising that you yourself missed the forest for the trees. It's an endless chase of course-correcting to seek a perfection that will never truly satisfy you.<br><br>In any case, I enacted self-care. Several years ago I flat out stopped reading reviews here. What I wrote 4 paragraphs back might seem like it's looking back with an evolved mindset, but I'm still not mentally strong enough to overcome it. I'm certain that I'm missing out on a lot of insightful content but I simply can't take it alongside the risk of having my blood boiling irrationally over an opinion I disagree with, making me harbour ill will to people who have done nothing to deserve the ire. One of those situations where nobody has actually done anything bad but the cosmic irony pools together with a net negative result. I know I'm the one who's at fault so it's in my best interest to keep myself reined in.<br><br>The other thing is that I stopped writing negative reviews. I've considered making exceptions for songs that I can't in all honesty say I like, but are worthwhile as springpoints for interesting discussion points on my mind, but in any case, it's been close to 4 years since I last wrote a review here with a score of less than 4 stars. The alternative is that I would just take off with these discussion points and just put up a dishonest 4 star review as a front. Perhaps if you just read that you might just think that I'm doing exactly that with this song, and this was my drawn out plot twist reveal. I'm not.<br><br>I guess it's kind of like what I was talking about at the end of my "Dance Monkey" review, which if you haven't read before now, I apologise in advance for taking up so much of your time. Namely though, I just don't see a valid reason to want to be a beacon of negativity and bad vibes online. I understand that it's really easy to default to being an angry reactionary, violently raging in the hope of restoring a status quo that's more to your own expectations in spite of how little you're likely to accomplish. It's a lot more of a challenge to be a net positive. It's what I strive for now. I might still have trouble restraining my inhibitions but for the most part, I want my limited online impact to be a positive one. If I can brighten someone's day with something I say or write, that's a better accomplishment than making someone feel bad for harmlessly enjoying a piece of harmless media. I've still got a lot of growing up to do, maybe I'll get there when I'm 70. |
| **** Standard Pop, etwas überbewertet. |
| ***** Stark! |
| **** Standardpop trifft's gut, ich bin mit vier Sternen dabei. Das war Ende 2014 ein Erfolg und ist sicher nichts Schlechteres, wenngleich nicht weltbewegend. Passt soweit aber ins Schema und ist vertretbar. |
| ****** Nice one! |
| *** So langweilig, so standardisiert ist Pop einfach nicht mehr gut.<br><br>Das hier klingt ganz schrecklich, als wäre der Knabe bei Michael Bolton zur Schule gegangen. |
| ***** Gefällt mir gut |
| ***** Prima ballade van de Britse zanger en terechte nr 1 hit. |
| **** Quite a pleasant track, with an exceptional chorus. |
| **** Sheeran mag ein Ausnahmetalent sein. Für mich ist es herkömmlicher Radiopop, zumeist in Balladenform. |
| ***** sweet |
| **** gut |
| **** Ganz okay! |
| ** der nächste Angriff des sülzenden Langweilers auf die Gehörgänge |
 |  |