| *** Das süße Taylor-Gesicht treibt's jetzt in anderen Genres - ihre Zeilen kommen buttersüß - B.O.B fühlt ihren Schmerz - und wir sein Geplapper ... ich geb 'ne Drei, weil's in der Form schon 97.523-mal vorher schon passiert ist. |
| ** Titre mou, production commerciale et refrain niais. Déçu de cette collaboration qui aurait pu proposer quelque chose de plus pêchu et original. Last edited: 14.04.2012 14:08 |
| **** Growing on me more each day, solid track. Last edited: 20.07.2012 09:20 |
| ***** cool song, unexpected collaboration |
| ** Okay, but Taylor Swift ruins it significantly. Doesn't surprise me though.<br><br>Would be 4* if it were only B.o.B |
| *** Taylor Swift langweilt mal wieder zu Tode. - 3* |
| *** Just OK, really lacks cohesion between the two artists. |
| *** Quite a disappointing effort, the chorus and the verses don't flow together. They both gather their own momentum, only to be ruined by the following section by the other artist. |
| *** I find it quite monotonous myself. Last edited: 17.07.2012 02:02 |
| **** It is an alright song, but I feel as if both of them are clashing, which sound a bit messy. Not as good as So Good though. Last edited: 01.11.2012 14:20 |
| *** mittelprächtiges Pop Rap-Stück abgerundete 3.5
| ** Die Rapparts nerven mich und der Refrain kann mich auch nicht begeistern, schwache Nummer! Klingt wie der schwache Versuch, ein zweites "Airplanes" zu machen, dies gelingt jedoch nicht wirklich! Last edited: 25.05.2012 11:12 |
| *** Irgendwie eine richtig komische Mischung - süsses Popgesäusel und dann in den Rapparts so ein undefinierbares Geräusch. 3+ |
| ****** Continuing with her musical evolution, Taylor delivers an amazing and memorable chorus. The verses drag it down... I'm probably being really unfair because I'm obsessed with Taylor Swift atm but this is how I feel.<br><br>Awww now I love it. Taylor's at the top of her game and is the real highlight of this. Last edited: 03.07.2012 17:45 |
| **** Die schlechte Bewertung überrascht mich. 4* |
| *** Crossover der langweiligen Art. |
| ** Why did Taylor Swift's management even let her go near this trial of disease? B.o.B blows! |
| **** Kommt natürlich nicht an "Airplanes" ran, aber ist schonmal etwas besser als "So Good". Gute Wahl für die zweite Singles, zumindest in den USA, da dort Taylor ja extrem erfolgreich ist. <br>Leider passt der Song an sich jedoch nicht ganz zu Taylor und da merkt man sofort dass Taylor's Stimme eher zu Country passt...<br><br>4+* |
| **** Gut. |
| *** Ahhh, now this is the B.o.B I know and would barely notice if he ceased to exist. A forgettable rap which people mostly only care about because the chorus is decent, but of course someone else has to do it for him. |
| ****** This is a very good track. One of my favourites of the year so far. Taylor sounds great, her chorus is the best part of the song, and as does B.O.B with his raps. Easily my favourite Taylor track and beats out Airplanes as my favourite B.O.B track. |
| * Utter crap |
| ****** gave plaat van B.O.B en Taylor Swift dit mag het zeker worden |
| ***** gewaltige nummer...nach meiner meinung geben die lyrics nicht wirklich sinn...wisoo will sie unbedingt beide aufheben können??!! naja vielleicht weiss ich den hintergrund nicht ^^<br><br>rapp-parts schlecht...aber taylor's part brings auf ne gute 5* |
| *** Taylor Swift ist langweilig wie immer, dafür kann B.O.B überzeugen. Doch ein guter Refrain fehlt da eben. Da waren Airplanes oder Nothing On You viel stärker. (-3*) |
| *** i thought it would be somewhat like airplanes... but it's irrelevant |
| ** Very annoying but just tolerable . |
| ***** Trotz Taylor mag ich den Song! Die Strophen sind cool gemacht. |
| ** Not for me. Both artists provide sub-par contributions here. |
| ** Yikes this is not good at all. I don't even know why I ever liked it because quite frankly it's shit. It sounds like two different songs awkwardly mashed together and it sounds horrible. The chorus is actually quite weak the more I think about it while B.o.B. provides an unmemorable rap. Few '10s hits have aged this badly in my opinion. Remind me to never again listen to this generic and uninspired drivel. Last edited: 19.11.2015 12:43 |
| ** Average. |
| ** Fades Songkonzept. Unpassend produziert. Rapparts und Refrain schlecht aufeinander abgestimmt. Da kann auch die liebe Taylor nichts mehr retten!<br><br>US #18 |
| ****** wunderbare Zusammenarbeit |
| ** Have trouble remembering it but I know I didn't like it. |
| ***** Quite an interesting collaboration that somehow worked. |
| *** Kay |
| ** weniger<br><br>CDN: #23, 2012<br>USA: #18, 2012 |
| *** nichts neues |
| **** Taylor mag ich, den Rap brauch ich nicht. |
| *** Don't really like it. Not necessarily bad but bland and easily forgettable. |
| ***** An unlikely but great collaboration. Taylor really makes this song. |
| *** Furchtbar der Rap, Sweetie rettet den 3. Stern.<br>#18 USA |
| ** Nothing about this track makes sense. Taylor's chorus is confusing in both lyrics and melody. B.o.B. isn't the best here either, but overall it's not completely terrible, just confusing. |
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